Daily Prayer Timings
FAJR | 05:59 AM | 06:20 AM |
ZUHR | 12:37 PM | 01:00 PM |
ASR | 04:30 PM | 04:30 PM |
MAGHRIB | 06:11 PM | 06:11 PM |
ISHA | 07:14 PM | 07:45 PM |
JUMMAH 1 | 12:30 PM | 01:00 PM |
JUMMAH 2 | 02:00 PM | 02:20 PM |
Welcome to the
Brand Lane Islamic Center (BLIC)
Our community grew from humble beginnings as a two-room weekend Islamic school and prayer hall in 1992 to a ten-acre facility with a Masjid, private school, weekend Islamic school, and sports facilities to serve our diverse community.
Masjid Services
Sports & Facilities
The BLIC provides various sporting facilities available for use for the Masjid As-Sabireen community and Everest Academy students.
ISGH Membership
When you join ISGH you are committing to something bigger than yourself and helping to provide for the future of our community.
Volunteer Program
Volunteers are the glue that holds our community together. Volunteering allows you to connect to your brothers and sisters.